The long-awaited special ingredients include: light malt extract, amber crystal malt, honey, gypsum, yeast and corn sugar. 这一期待已久的特制配方的原料包括:淡麦芽提取物、琥珀水晶麦芽、蜂蜜、石膏、酵母和玉米糖。
Clearing heat and transforming phlegm; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough, due to colds and acute bronchitis. Pear steamed with crystal sugar is a traditional Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung, dissolving phlegm and arresting cough. 清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。冰糖蒸梨是清肺、化痰、止咳的中国传统药膳。
The instant Begonia Fimbristipula Hance crystal is a new pure natural solid drink which is made from BFH, cane sugar and other materials and refined by vacuum drying. 速溶紫背天葵是以紫背天葵、砂糖等为主要原料采用真空干燥法精制而成的新型纯天然固体饮料。
Put crystal sugar in rose tea, brown sugar in black tea, liquorice slice in chrysanthemum tea. 玫瑰花茶里加冰糖,红茶里放红糖,菊花茶里加甘草片。
Pear steamed with crystal sugar is a traditional Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung, dissolving phlegm and arresting cough. 加有冰糖和水果片装瓶的裸麦威士忌酒冰糖蒸梨是清肺、化痰、止咳的中国传统药膳。
But the contents of amino acids in the commercial products, crystal sugar containing edible bird's nest, are very low. 且含量丰富。而燕窝制品冰糖燕窝中氨基酸含量极低。
The intestinal contents. however, did not show correlation with the concentrations of crystal sugar. 而冰糖浓度对肠腔液体量没有明显影响。
This kind of rice is of the best quality. It's superior. White crystal sugar. 这种水稻品质优良。那种是优质晶状白糖。
It's superior. White crystal sugar. 那种是优质晶状白糖。
Effects of Crystal Sugar ( Bing Tang) and Glucose on the Pharmacokinetics of Tetracycline 冰糖、葡萄糖对口服四环素药动学的影响
Primary Study on the Mechanism of Enhanced Absorption of Tetracycline by Crystal Sugar in the Rat Intestine 冰糖增加口服四环素吸收作用机理的初步研究
Because the sugar crystal is smooth and transparent, the light is non-uniformity. On the other hand, the equipment is not good, so the image which sugar microscope collected turn into false three-dimensional image, and there is serious noise. 由于糖晶体透明,表面比较光滑,光照不均,显微图像呈现出伪三维现象,另一方面,由于仪器设备的局限性,采集出来的图像存在严重的噪声。
A control system design of cane sugar boiling and crystal in sugar-refinery base on Fuzzy-PID 基于Fuzzy-PID的糖厂煮糖结晶控制系统设计
Sugar crystal is separated from brown sugar by means of centrifugal operation. 为了将蔗糖晶体从糖膏中分离出来,就必须进行分蜜操作。
Such a point of view is then verified with a continuous crystallization system in which the groWth rate of sucrose Crystal could be measured and the physical fields of the supersaturated sugar solution could be calculated. 本论文通过一套可检测晶体生长速率和计算物理场的连续结晶系统证实了这一学术观点。
On the basis of population balance in industrial crystallization, it was pointed out that the crystal size distribution is remarkably influenced by the physical fields of supersaturated sugar solution in industrial sucrose crystallization. 基于工业结晶过程的粒数衡算原理,本文作者首先提出,糖液物理场在蔗糖工业结晶中将明显地影响着产品的粒度分布。
Aims: To study the mechanism by which crystal sugar enhances absorption of tetracycline in the rat intestine. 目的:对中药冰糖增加口服四环素吸收作用机理进行初步的实验研究。
From the result of the investigation, the fuzzy self-adaptive PID controller can efficiently achieve to control the oversaturation, the regulating and controlling processing curve is gentle and smooth. So the sugar crystal rate was improved and the sugar crystal time was shorten. 研究结果表明,模糊自适应PID控制器能够实现对结晶过程的关键量&过饱和度的有效控制,调节过程曲线平滑、无大的波动,能够提高蔗糖结晶的速度、缩短煮糖时间。